郑南峰课题组2024年全国优秀大学生夏令营招生启事 常年招收博士后(最低年薪20万),欢迎有志之士加盟课题组/ Postdoctoral Positions Available
    1. Huayan Yang, Yu Wang, Huaqi Huang, Lars Gell, Lauri Lehtovaara, Sami Malola, Hannu Hakkinen,* Nanfeng Zheng*  "All-Thiol-Stabilized Ag44 and Au12Ag32Nanoparticles with Single-Crystal Structures"  Nature Commun. 2013, 4, 2422. >>Fulltext Link
      Nature News  "Easy route to stable silver nanoparticles"

    2. Huan Li, Guangxu Chen, Huayan Yang, Xingli Wang, Jinghong Liang, Pengxin Liu, Mei Chen, Nanfeng Zheng* "Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Surface-Clean Ultrathin Palladium Nanosheets by Simply Mixing a Dinuclear Pd(I) Carbonyl Chloride Complex with H2O" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8368-8372 (hot paper). >>Fulltext Link

    3. Huayan Yang, Yu Wang, Jing Lei, Lei Shi, Xiaohu Wu, Ville P. Makinen, Shuichao Lin, Zichao Tang, Jian He, Hannu J. Hakkinen, Lan-Sun Zheng, and Nanfeng Zheng*  "Ligand-stabilized Au13Cux (x = 2, 4, 8) Bimetallic Nanoclusters: Ligand-engineering to Control the Exposure of Metal Sites" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 9568–9571. >>Fulltext Link

    4. Binghui Wu, Nanfeng Zheng* “Surface and Interface Control of Noble Metal Nanocrystals for Catalytic and Electrocatalytic Applications” Nano Today 2013,8,168-197. >>Fulltext Link  (Free Access)

    5. Huayan Yang, Jing Lei, Binghui Wu, Yu Wang, Meng Zhou, Andong Xia, Lansun Zheng, and Nanfeng Zheng* “Crystal structure of a luminescent thiolated Ag nanocluster with an octahedral Ag64+ core” Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 300-302.>>Fulltext Link

    6. Huayan Yang, Yu Wang, Nanfeng Zheng* “Stabilizing Subnanometer Ag(0) Nanoclusters by Thiolate and Diphosphine Ligands and Their Crystal Structures” Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 2674-2677. >>Fulltext Link

    7. Guangxu Chen, Huayan Yang, Binghui Wu, Yanping Zheng and Nanfeng Zheng* "Supported monodisperse Pt nanoparticles from [Pt3(CO)32-CO)3]52- clusters for investigating support–Pt interface effect in catalysis" Dalton Trans. 2013, 42, 12699-12705. >>Fulltext Link

    8. Xiaoliang Fang,* Shengjie Liu, Jun Zang, Chaofa Xu, Ming-Sen Zheng, Quan-Feng Dong, Daohua Sun and Nanfeng Zheng* "Precisely controlled resorcinol–formaldehyde resin coating for fabricating core–shell, hollow, and yolk–shell carbon nanostructures" Nanoscale 2013, 5, 6908-6916. >>Fulltext Link

    9. Binghui Wu, Huayan Yang, Huaqi Huang, Guangxu Chen, Nanfeng Zheng* "Solvent effect on the synthesis of monodisperse amine-capped Au nanoparticles" Chinese Chemical Letters 2013, 24,457-462. Fulltext Link>>

    10. Pengxin Liu, Mei Chen, Cheng Chen, Xiaoliang Fang, Xiaolan Chen and Nanfeng Zheng* "An iron silicate based pH-sensitive drug delivery system utilizing coordination bonding" J. Mater. Chem. B 2013,1, 2837-2842 >>Fulltext Link

    11. Xiaojing Zhao, Xiaoliang Fang, Binghui Wu, Lansun Zheng, Nanfeng Zheng* “Facile synthesis of size-tunable ZIF-8 nanocrystals using reverse micelles as nanoreactors” Science China-Chemistry, 2013,  57 141-146.

    12. Yueming Tan, Chaofa Xu, Guangxu Chen, Zhaohui Liu, Ming Ma, Qingji Xie,* Nanfeng Zheng,* Shouzhuo Yao “Synthesis of Ultrathin Nitrogen-Doped Graphitic Carbon Nanocages as Advanced Electrode Materials” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013,5,2241-2248. >>Fulltext Link

    13. Paul N Duchesne, Guangxu Chen, Nanfeng Zheng, Peng Zhang "Local Structure, Electronic Behavior, and Electrocatalytic Reactivity of CO-Reduced Platinum–Iron Oxide Nanoparticles" J.  Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117, 26324-26333. >>Fulltext Link

    14. Kin Man Au, Mei Chen, Steven Armes* and Nanfeng Zheng* “Near-infrared light-triggered irreversible aggregation of poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate)-stabilised polypyrrole nanoparticles under biologically relevant conditions” Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 10525-10527. >>Fulltext Link

    15. Xiaolan Chen,* Zengxia Zhao, Mengying Jiang, Daiping Que, Saige Shia and Nanfeng Zheng*  "Preparation and photodynamic therapy application of NaYF4:Yb, Tm–NaYF4:Yb, Er multifunctional upconverting nanoparticles" New J. Chem. 2013,37, 1782-1788, This article is part of themed collection: 崛起的中国—Hello from China! >>Fulltext Link

    16. Zhaohui Liu, Xiaoliang Fang, Cheng Chen, Nanfeng Zheng* “Pd Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Hollow Mesoporous Aluminosilica Nanospheres as an Efficient Catalyst for Multistep Reactions and Size-Selective Hydrogenation” Acta Chimica Sinica 2013, 71,334-338. >>Fulltext Link

    17. Xiaoliang Fang, Xiaojing Zhao, Weijun Fang, Cheng Chen and Nanfeng Zheng* “Self-templating synthesis of hollow mesoporous silica and their applications in catalysis and drug delivery” Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 2205-2218. >>Fulltext Link

    18. Cheng Chen, Xiaoliang Fang, Binghui Wu, Liujun Huang, Nanfeng Zheng*. "A Multi-Yolk–Shell Structured Nanocatalyst Containing Sub-10 nm Pd Nanoparticles in Porous CeO2" ChemCatChem. 2012, 4, 1578-1586.

    19. Weijun Fang, Shaoheng Tang, Pengxin Liu, Xiaoliang Fang, Jiawei Gong and Nanfeng Zheng* “Pd Nanosheets-Covered Hollow Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles as a Platform for Chemo-Photothermal Treatment of Cancer Cells” Small 2012, 8, 3816–3822.

    20. Binghui Wu, Huayan Yang, Nanfeng Zheng* “Carbon Monoxide-Assisted Shape Control of Pd and Pt Nanocrystals” SCIENTIA SINICA Chimica, 2012, 42, 1525–1539

    21. Yueming Tan, Chaofa Xu, Guangxu Chen, Xiaoliang Fang, Nanfeng Zheng,* and Qingji Xie “Facile Synthesis of Manganese Oxide-Containing Mesoporous Nitrogen-Doped Carbon for Efficient Oxygen Reduction” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2012, 22, 4584-4591.

    22. Mei Chen, Xiaoliang Fang, Shaoheng Tang, Nanfeng Zheng* “Polypyrrole nanoparticles for high-performance in vivo near-infrared photothermal cancer therapy” Chem. Commun.. 2012, 48, 8934 - 8936 >>Fulltext Link

    23. Xiaoliang Fang, Zhaohui Liu, Ming-Feng Hsieh, Mei Chen, Pengxin Liu, Cheng Chen, and Nanfeng Zheng* “Hollow Mesoporous Aluminosilica Spheres with Perpendicular Pore Channels as Catalytic Nanoreactors” ACS Nano 2012, 6, 4434–4444. >>Fulltext Link

    24. Yan Dai, Yueming Tan, Nanfeng Zheng* and Gang Fu* “Carbon Monoxide-Assisted Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Pd Tetrapod Nanocrystals through Hydride Formation” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 7073–7080. >>Fulltext Link

    25. Yueming Tan, Chaofa Xu, Guangxu Chen, Nanfeng Zheng,* and Qingji Xie “Graphene-platinum nanoparticles-ionic liquid composite catalyst for methanol-tolerant oxygen reduction reaction’’ Energy & Environ. Sci. 2012, 5, 6923–6927. >>Fulltext Link

    26. Binghui Wu, Huaqi Huang, Jing Yang, Nanfeng Zheng,* Gang Fu* “ Selective Hydrogenation of α,β-Unsaturated Aldehydes Catalyzed by Amine-Capped Platinum-Cobalt Nanocrystals” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 3440-3443.

    27. Zengxia Zhao, Yuning Han, Chenghong Lin, Dong Hu, Fang Wang, Xiaolan Chen,* Zhong Chen, and Nanfeng Zheng* “Multifunctional Core–Shell Upconverting Nanoparticles for Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy of Liver Cancer Cells” Chem. Asian J. 2012, 7, 830-837

    28. Mei Chen, Binghui Wu, Jing Yang, Nanfeng Zheng* “Small-Adsorbate Assisted Shape Control of Pd and Pt Nanocrystals” Adv. Mater. 2012, 24, 862–879. >>Fulltext Link

    29. Weijun Fang, Jing Yang, Jiawei Gong, Nanfeng Zheng “Photo- and pH -Triggered Release of Anticancer Drugs from Mesoporous Silica-coated Pd@Ag Nanoparticles” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2012, 22, 842-848.

    30. Zhi-You Zhou, Shu-Jing Shang, Na Tian, Bing-Hui Wu, Nan-Feng Zheng, Bin-Bin Xu, Chi Chen, Hong-Hui Wang, Dong-Mei Xiang, Shi-Gang Sun “Shape transformation from Pt nanocubes to tetrahexahedra with size near 10 nm” Electrochem. Commun. 2012, 22, 61-64.

    31. Guangxu Chen, Yueming Tan, Binghui Wu, Gang Fu, * and Nanfeng Zheng* “Carbon monoxide-controlled synthesis of surface-clean Pt nanocubes with high electrocatalytic activity” Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 2758 – 2760. >>Fulltext Link

Copy Right:Nanfeng Zheng's Group, Xiamen University