郑南峰课题组2024年全国优秀大学生夏令营招生启事 常年招收博士后(最低年薪20万),欢迎有志之士加盟课题组/ Postdoctoral Positions Available

常年招收博士后(最低年薪20万),欢迎有志之士加盟课题组/ Postdoctoral Positions Available

2013年09月23日 15:44  点击:[]

more information (招收博士后、研究生信息) 欢迎有志之士加盟课题组!

1. Postdoctoral research positions are available for candidates who are interested in nanomaterials for catalysis and energy applications, and computational chemistry for catalysis.


2. Research positions are available for both MS and PhD students who are interested in the research area of nanomaterials, catalysis, biology, energy materials and cluster chemistry.


3. Recruitment of R & D engineers major in fine chemicals, materials, polymer, etc., with relevant industrialization experience is preferred. Salary plus project commission.


If you are interested in one of the above positions, please contact Prof. Nanfeng Zheng at nfzheng@xmu.edu.cn or Dr. Jie Chen at chen_jie@xmu.edu.cn .



Copy Right:Nanfeng Zheng's Group, Xiamen University