Professor Nanfeng Zheng was born in Zhangping, Fujian province in 1977. He received his B.S. from the Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University in 1998. In 2005, he obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Chemistry, University of California –Riverside supervised by Prof. Pingyun Feng. His thesis was on the synthesis and characterization of chalcogenide nanoclusters and their superstructures. During 2005-2007, he worked on gold catalysis with Prof. Galen D. Stucky as a research associate at University of California-Santa Barbara. In 2007, he moved to Xiamen University as a full professor. He is currently a Changjiang Chair professor at Xiamen University.
Prof.Zheng Nanfeng has received a number of prestigious awards including Distinguished Young Investigator Award from NSF-China (2009), the Second Prize of the National Natural Science Award and the Second Prize of the National Teaching Achievement Award (2018), the Scientific Exploration Award (2019), the Ho Leung Ho Lee Science and Technology Award (2021), Youth Science Award of the Ministry of Education (2018), the China Outstanding Young Science and Technology Talent Award (2016), the China Youth Science and Technology Award (2016), Chinese Chemical Society-Royal Society of Chemistry Youth Chemistry Award (2014), Chinese Chemical Society Young Chemistry Award (2012) , Distinguished Lectureship Award from Chemical Society of Japan, Zasshi-kai Lectureship from Dept of Chemistry, the Univ. of Tokyo, Inorganic Chemistry Distinguished Young Scientist Award of American Chemical Society and other domestic and foreign awards. He is currently editorial board member of ACS Central Science, Chemical Reviews, Accounts of Chemical Research, Joule, Chem, Nano Research, Science China Chemistry and so on. In 2023, Prof. Zheng Nanfeng was elected as Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and selected as New Cornerstone Investigator.
He specializes in surface and interface coordination chemistry, aiming to understand how the surface and interface modifiers govern the properties of functional materials at the molecular level. The coordination structures of typical small organic/inorganic ligands on metal nanomaterials have been systematically explored, laying a crucial foundation for precisely manipulating the surface structure of metal nanocrystals using specific ligands. His group has gained valuable molecular insights into how small organic/inorganic ligands coordinating at the surface and interface of metal nanomaterials manipulate their chemical properties, such as through the formation of surface space confinement, interfacial electron transfer, and direct participation of interfacial ligands as reactants. The in-depth understanding has been successfully applied for the development of several highly selective hydrogenation catalysis techniques for dramatically reducing pollutant pro-duction from the source of many industrial chemical processes, and also an industrially significant copper anti-corrosion technology. Currently serving as the director of Innovation Laboratory for Sciences and Technologies of Energy Materials of Fujian Province (IKKEM), he leads IKKEM in its mission to conduct groundbreaking research and facilitate the technology transfer, with a focus on advancing new energy solutions for societal benefit.
He has published more than 340 papers in journals such as Nature and Science, and been cited more than 38,000 times. It has obtained more than 50 national authorized invention patents and 4 international invention patents. Invited to write reviews and outlook articles in Chem. Rev., Acc. Chem. Res and so on. And give conference presentations at important international academic conferences such as JACS Forum.
郑南峰教授1977年生于福建省漳平市。他于1998年获得厦门大学化学系学士学位。2005年,他于美国加州大学河滨分校化学系获得博士学位,师从Prof. Pingyun Feng。他的博士论文研究方向是硫化物纳米团簇及其超结构的合成与表征。2005-2007年,他在美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校Prof. Galen D. Stucky课题组担任研究助理,研究金催化。2007年,他应聘为厦门大学教授。目前是厦门大学的特聘教授。
郑南峰教授已获得诸多殊荣:2009年获国家杰出青年科学基金资助,2018年获国家自然科学奖二等奖及国家教学成果奖二等奖,获首届科学探索奖(2019)、何梁何利科学与技术奖(2021)、教育部青年科学奖(2018)、中国优秀青年科技人才奖(2016)、中国青年科技奖(2016)、中国化学会-英国皇家化学会青年化学奖(2014)、中国化学会青年化学奖(2012)、日本化学会杰出讲席奖、东京大学Zasshi-kai讲席奖、美国化学会无机化学杰出青年科学家奖等国内外奖项。他目前担任ACS Central Science资深编辑,Chemical Reviews、Accounts of Chemical Research、Joule、Chem、Nano Research、《中国科学-化学》等国内外十余种期刊的(顾问)编委。2023年郑南峰教授当选中国科学院院士、入选新基石研究员。
已在 Nature、Science等期刊上发表论文340余篇,被引38000余次;获国家授权发明专利50余件、国际发明专利4件。受邀在Chem. Rev.、Acc. Chem. Res.等期刊上撰写综述、展望文章以及在JACS论坛等重要国际学术会议上做大会报告。
ResearchID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/G-4613-2010
Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=OmC5JowAAAAJ